Ken Oase
Founder, 1928-2016
Ken started this accounting firm in 1977 in his living room. Two of his kids, David Oase and Annette Phillos would help out in the summers by answering phones and passing out flyers. Ken always wanted them to take it over and in 1990 Annette did in 1992 David stepped in. He worked in the business until 2014 when he was 86 years old.
Lucy Acedo
Office Manager
Lucy is the first person you will meet at our office. Whether calling in or walking in the door. You can see her Hello Kitty collection on her desk. She was born in Tucson and enjoys all the Sonoran Desert has to offer. In her free time she can be found hiking Seven Falls or Tumamoc Hill or indoors enjoying a fitness class. In the evenings she enjoys cutting the rug at one of Tucson's many Latin dance venues.
David Oase
CPA, owner
David is an army brat who living in Tucson in 1st and 2nd grade before moving to Tennessee. He returned in 1985 and graduated from the University of Arizona. He became a CPA in 1993 just after joining the firm. In his spare time he like to visit caves all over the country. He paints miniatures and crafts terrain for the "kids" Dungeons and Dragon type games. He has also filmed over 100 sermons and cave events.
Katrina Jean-Oase
Legal Document Preparer, Paralegal
Katrina was born and raised in Taiwan, she came to Tucson and received her Bachelors at the University of Arizona. Katrina bought and sold real estate while raising her two daughters. In 2011 she received her Paralegal and LDP certification in Arizona. She provides Wills, Trusts and Deeds for her clients and can often be seen around the office. At home she cares for her 3 rescue dogs, gardens and reads business books for fun.